Helen Ritchie | RitchNutrition
If your hot flushes are making you embarrassed at work.. You’re not alone!
My hot flushes ? started 6 years ago when I was at my senior marketing job. I’d suddenly find myself as red as a beetroot for no apparent reason It was so embarrassing and made me feel like a nervous idiot. Not great when you’re managing a team! I knew it was menopause related but […]
Helen Ritchie | RitchNutrition
Did you know that 1 in 4 women cut short their careers because of the menopause?
Did you know that 1 in 4 women cut short their careers because of the menopause❓ Shocking but true! According to a recent article in The Times women are reducing their hours or quitting their jobs altogether because of severe menopause symptoms. Many women are reluctant to discuss their menopausal symptoms with their managers AND […]
3 easy ways to help you stop embarrassing menopause incontinence moments.
How to stop menopausal incontinence even if you ‘ve suffered for for years and nothing else you’ve tried has worked. Incontinence is something that I’ve struggled with for years and had some REALLY embarrassing moments [more on that another time ?] And not enough people talk about it! So I am… Here are 3 easy […]
Helen Ritchie of RitchNutrition
Is your anxiety making you dread going back to work?
Is this how you're feeling about going back to work after the holidays? 5 years ago when I was still working in the corporate world, I started feeling really anxious - something I had never ever experienced before in my life. It was so bad I found myself worrying about every single little thing from […]

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