Are menopause and alcohol a toxic cocktail?
In my clinical experience, drinking alcohol is linked to hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disruption, weight gain and much more. So the answer is most definitely yes! Here's the lowdown: ? Alcohol can disrupt your sleep and make it harder to fall asleep. ?Alcohol can dilate your blood vessels, which can trigger hot flushes and […]
Meet Michele: “I’ve lost weight, increased energy, improved sleep & reduced my hot flushes, plus resolved an 8-month persistent headache!”
Meet Michele, one of my most recent clients, whose symptoms, after 16 weeks inside The Menopause Method, have either gone or vastly improved. When we met, Michele had had a chronic persistent headache for 6 months, that no healthcare professional had been able to resolve. She also had the classic menopause symptoms of hot flushes […]
Why your menopause diet may not be as healthy as you think it is!
“I don’t eat junk food, I eat lots of fruit & veg.” This is something I hear a lot when I’m talking to women about menopause nutrition. Just because you don’t eat junk and processed food [which is a smart move by the way] and eat plenty of fruit and veg [also a good thing […]
STOP counting calories and START losing weight!
Summer is here at last and as we try on last year’s shorts and swimsuits, many of us don’t like what we see in the mirror, especially when we've piled on the pounds, which is oh so easy to do at menopause and perimenopause! How to lose weight sustainably and for good is one of […]