“I’ve lost weight & feel great”, Alison Windsor
Meet Alison, who joined my last live group programme 'Lose Weight, Feel Great', that started in January. Alison joined the programme because she had put on weight over the Xmas period, was not sleeping properly, and her energy levels were flagging. During the 4-weeks, Alison learnt the key pillars to losing weight healthily and sustainably […]
Discover what’s really driving your menopause symptoms. Test don’t guess!
It’s really not all about low oestrogen & progesterone levels. Yes they play a part, however there are many other factors, not to mention hormones at play in your body that affect menopause symptoms. The best way to really find out what’s going on inside is to test. And I’m not talking about blood testing, […]
Is your negative self-talk making your menopause anxiety worse?
Is your negative self-talk making your menopause anxiety worse? You know the self-talk I mean, that little voice in your head that's always jabbering away at you, from the moment you wake up to when you fall asleep. Mostly, it’s bombarding you with negative thoughts like ‘’Stupid me", "I can't do this" or "I'm not […]
“My hot flushes & night sweats have improved in just 4 weeks of making the simple changes to my diet recommended by Helen”
It’s always very rewarding when clients like this one see improvements in their symptoms and they often happen really quickly. Every day I witness the power of nutrition and lifestyle in action in managing menopause and helping clients to get back to feeling normal again. Hot flushes and night sweats are two of the most […]