Tip Ten for mastering the menopause naturally is to reduce your toxic load
And finally Tip ten is to reduce your toxic load.   A healthy liver is vital for hormonal balance because all hormones, and many other substances need to be efficiently removed from the body (mainly in urine). So too do all the other toxins you're exposed to on a daily basis, including over the counter […]
Tip Nine for mastering the menopause naturally is to keep hydrated
Tip nine is to keep hydrated.   Drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water, herbal and green teas daily (more if exercising), to keep your skin hydrated and to help with blood sugar balance and energy levels. Sometimes low energy can be the result of the brain being slightly dehydrated.   Note that […]
Tip Eight for mastering the menopause naturally is to get enough sleep
Tip Eight is to prioritise sleep.   Sleep is highly underrated and crucial for hormonal balance and is perhaps THE best thing you can focus on to improve your health and wellbeing.   Aim for 7-9 hours of total sleep time and go to bed at the same time each night, 10.30pm to 11pm is […]
Tip Seven for mastering the menopause naturally is to get regular exercise
Tip seven is to exercise regularly – but the right kind.   Don't over-exercise as this puts additional stress on the body and focus on weight-bearing activities that encourage new bone production for healthy bones. Think brisk walking, lifting weights, jogging, as well as gentler alternatives such as golf, gardening and dancing.   Aim for […]